The right treatment for a cardiac problem will differ from patient to patient. Dr David Begley helps patients manage heart rhythm disorders with a number of different treatment options. We have discussed ablation treatment in depth, and here we’re going to look more closely at pacemakers and ICDs.
Both pacemakers and ICDs are forms of implantable electronic medical device that help to manage the hearts rhythm. Dr Begley regularly helps patients with cardiovascular implantable devices and can help ensure you have the right treatment plan for your cardia condition. Let’s look at each type of device in turn.
What are Pacemakers?
A pacemaker is a small electronic device that your cardiologist will implant under the skin below your collar bone. Pacemakers are attached to a variable number of wires. The cardiologist will then insert these wires through a vein to the heart and prevent it from going too slowly.
The job of a pacemaker is to artificially take over the role of your sinus node if it’s not working properly. The sinus node is the heart’s natural pacemaker.
The pacemaker device sends electrical impulses to tell your heart to contract and produce a heartbeat. Most pacemakers work just when they’re needed and the type of device is described as on-demand. There are also pacemakers that send out impulses all of the time and are described as fixed rate.
Dr Begley can help decide whether a pacemaker is the best treatment for your cardiac problems.
What are ICDs?
ICD stands for implantable cardioverter defibrillators. An ICD is a battery-powered electronic device that your cardiac surgeon will place within your chest. It monitors the heart rhythm and can detect irregular heartbeats. An ICD will send an electric shock when it recognises an abnormal rhythm and help get your heart back to regular rhythmic behaviour. ICDs can automatically correct an abnormal heart rhythm and can be vital in situations of cardiac arrest.
Cardiologists offer ICDs to patients experiencing chaotic or dangerously fast heartbeats. These conditions can result in further serious health problems as they can limit the heart’s ability to pump blood around the body.
Appointments for Pacemakers and ICDs
Patients attending clinics with Dr Begley may require further treatment and intervention in the form of a cardiovascular implantable device. However, it is unlikely you’ll be aware of this and may arrange a clinic appointment to discuss your cardiac symptoms. Dr Begley can arrange further testing and if required, arrange the fitting of the right device for your needs.
Get in touch to find out more.
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