Cardiac ablation treatment helps to treat cardiac rhythm problems and may be the best solution for your heart condition. Dr Begley specialises in the cardiac ablation treatment Cambridge patients are looking for. Many patients attend his clinics to discuss the best treatment for their cardiac problems. Preparing for cardiac ablation can be a worry, but with the right support, it can be a successful procedure and alleviate uncomfortable symptoms.
Preparation for Cardiac Ablation
Cardiac ablation treatment is most commonly performed using catheterisation. Most patients have several scans, including x-rays and ECGs, prior to the ablation treatment. There are also other tests which may be necessary, including blood tests. On the day of the procedure, most patients need to be nil by mouth from midnight, and you should discuss taking any other required medications with your healthcare team.
The Catheter Ablation Procedure
Catheter ablation is performed under anaesthetic or sedation. You will receive fluids and necessary meditation via an intravenous line in your arm throughout the procedure. Furthermore, the specific site where the doctor inserts the catheters will also have a local anaesthetic. In most cases, the major blood vessel in the groin is chosen as the best entry site for the process.
Dr Begley and his team will pass the catheters through the blood vessel into the left atrium of the heart. This allows them to closely monitor and map abnormal electrical activity in the heart tissue. The team can quickly pinpoint the target area, and the catheter can then isolate and destroy the abnormal tissue. Finally, the doctor will remove the catheters safely.
After the Procedure
Most patients stay overnight for observation. The heart rhythm requires monitoring to ensure no abnormal activity remains. Some patients report soreness in the chest and bruising around the insertion site, but this tends to be minimal. You may want to limit your activity for a few days when you return home, but you can discuss this before discharge to better understand what’s best in your individual case.
Pulsed Field Ablation
Dr Begley is proud to be part of the team who performed the UK’s first pulsed field ablation. This procedure is a pioneering new alternative to catheter ablation and something that Dr Begley and his team will continue to trial at the Royal Papworth Hospital.
Cardiac Ablation Treatment Cambridge
Cardiac ablation treatment can relieve the most distressing symptoms of a heart rhythm problem. Breathless and dizzy spells become less common and patients are able to return to a more normal way of life. You can arrange an appointment with Dr Begley to discuss your cardiac problems and find the most suitable treatment. Get in touch today.
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