Anyone who experiences heart palpitations knows how concerning they can be. Even if you encounter them just once, it can be worrying and make you concerned about a heart condition. Here we’re looking at whether you need to get medical help and finding heart palpitations treatment, if necessary.

Characteristics of Heart Palpitations

Heart palpitations are an abnormality of the heartbeat. They manifest as rapid and forceful heartbeats, which can be worrying and sometimes painful. Heart palpitations should never be ignored. You should initially speak to your GP and you may be referred to cardiology.

Assessing the Severity

Thankfully, heart palpitations are not often life-threatening. Nonetheless, most patients view them as a symptom that could indicate an underlying condition. Many individuals also experience other symptoms such as blackouts, light-headedness, chest discomfort, and breathlessness. The coexistence of these symptoms could mean a heart problem so it is important to get medical attention.

Understanding the Heart Palpitations Sensation

The sensation of heart palpitations can vary from person to person. Some patients liken it to the sensation of their heart skipping a beat or a pronounced fluttering within the chest. Others describe a more forceful, pounding sensation in both the chest and neck.

Heart palpitations are occasionally associated with anxiety rather than a primary cardiac abnormality. Anxiety-related symptoms often accompany palpitations and can include dizziness, breathlessness, sweating, headaches, and chest pains. However, palpitations can also be indicative of various cardiac conditions and other health issues. Seeking medical advice for palpitations can ensure you get the right heart palpitations treatment.

Conditions that cause heart palpitations

Palpitations may be correlated with several other conditions, including:

  • Coronary Heart Disease
  • Hyperthyroidism
  • Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
  • Asthma
  • Previous Chest Surgery
  • Kidney Disease

There is also an increased risk of experiencing palpitations exists if you are taking an array of prescribed and non-prescribed medications, including certain antidepressants, statins, alcohol, nicotine, caffeine, or amphetamines.

Exploring Heart Palpitations Treatment Options

If your heart palpitations are a result of a heart rhythm problem then you may need to seek the expert opinion of a cardiologist who may recommend a specialised treatment. The most common cardiac treatment for heart palpitations is cardiac ablation.

Appointments With Dr David Begley

Dr David Begley is a highly experienced cardiologist and cardiac rhythm management specialist. He can help patients understand their symptoms and find the right heart palpitations treatment, if linked to a cardiac condition.

You can arrange an appointment with Dr Begley and attend one of his clinics via this website. Get in touch today to book in and find the right treatment for your symptoms.